Thursday, October 21, 2010

Catch up!

Well, the quilt I made from Urban Art will remain mine, well, I'll finish it and most likely offer it for sale on Etsy...maybe. I may love it too much and find it perfect to hang in my quilt room:) Stephanie loved it and initially offered to purchase it from me. But then she talked with Camelot and they've decided not to reprint the fabric...sad as the fabric is wonderful, but that's that. She did ask if she could use me in the future and of course I said yes. Overall, great experience and potential in the future for something...who knows what.

I made a purchase yesterday. A new table for my quilt room for cutting and whatever. It's an L-shaped counter height desk perfect height for working on (my current rigged system is about 2.5 inches too high for good body mechanics and may be adding to some back/nerve pain in my right foot). But, as I went to bed last night I had the worst case of buyer's remorse ever...I never spend that kind of money on such things when I can rig something from whatever I have around to work with. I was awake and freaking about the money spent, what am I going to do with the furniture pieces I have been using (we've outgrown our house with all my stuff), I should have done something less expensive...on and on I went. I'm calmer today and I believe it was a great purchase and it will work beautifully and I'll deal with the rearranging and make it all efficient. It will be delivered on saturday and I am excited, although still a little anxious...I'll get over it and for once I'll have something that is good and sturdy and looks nice and will last for a very long time. Just thought I'd share my crazy thoughts...I'm sure none of you have ever done anything like this! Ha! We all do it now and again, right?

I spent yesterday working on cleaning out my garage for winter car storage. I recently retrieved some boxes from my brother-in-law which have been stored in his basement for 15 years. Going through those things was like taking a trip to another life! I found some wonderful things from my past and I realized I've always been into crafting and fabric and design ... I guess I've known that but finding an entire box of books, supplies, crafting and such it hit me that I've always been headed right where I am today. We all live what I think of as a series of lives which in retrospect often seem very disconnected...but threads weave through these lives connecting each one to the next. It's very good to feel this connection; to see that each choice leads us to becoming whatever it is we are and will be. None of it is a waste as it all is part of becoming. I love where I am now and have learned to love all those past lives also. Everything that felt awful at the time is gone now; unimportant within the whole. I guess that is enough philosophizing for's one of my habits:)

New pics of quilting space coming soon as I redesign to incorporate a 6x6 foot 'design center' for my laptop, space for so much!! But first I must finish that darn garage...what to do with loads of yucky chemicals I've fought my husband over for years, maybe finally tackling that workbench filled with his poorly maintained tools that we can't even use since we can't find them. Ahhh really is so very good!!!

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