Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy birthday to me:)

Well, I'm back! It's been a crazy month spent decluttering my spaces and working on customer quilts. Now my studio is ready for some serious sewing and my head is cleared for creativity! Here are the promised pics of my studio space and the current project on the wall as well as the beginnings of a project from the brandenburg fabrics...haven't gotten far, but it comes quickly once I get to it.

Today however will be spent celebrating my birthday:) 46 years old I don't feel it...or maybe I do. Maybe middle age and beyond does feel really good! We have a wonderful day planned ... I love my birthday. When I was little it was always a day when my mom spent the day with me. She was so busy working and in school all the time so it was special to have a day with her. I won't see her today, but as always I will remember the years when it was just us for the day. Funny...when I turned 16 my parents bought me this fabulous bike. It was in my room when I woke up and I was sooooo thrilled. Today kids expect a car, but back then a bike was my key to freedom and I'd have never expected anything more. Times do change....

I promise to get on here more now that I've accomplished my decluttering tasks.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Working Working Working:)

I've been working for awhile now on customer quilts all the while thinking about designs and fabric choices for my own projects. I have also rearranged my studio space, stealing a couple more feet of our theatre room for my 'new' cutting table set up (I used the door from our last house on which I had documented my daughters' growth over the 4 years we were there) and my ironing board (not in front of my design wall anymore). I bought another flannel backed table cloth to expand my design wall as well as create a backdrop from which to take pics. I need to get those put up soon. I have not worked in the space yet, but am hoping that little extra space makes things easier. I'll post pics later of the new and improved room...right now I must return to a quilt I'm working on for a is vintage and may be the most challenging I've ever done in terms of getting it to lay flat and ... well, my motto of "it will quilt out" is being seriously challenged...but off I go to do my best. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Quilts, New Photos

I spent yesterday afternoon working on new photos of both old and new quilts. I decided that seeing some of these quilts on a bed would be helpful for people, so I headed to my in-laws house to take pics on their full size bed (how do 2 people sleep in a full size bed??!!). Using my new lights and my good camera the pics turned out pretty good. Still a lot to learn, but getting there. Here are the newest quilts:

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Ok, I got all my new fabric on Etsy...why isn't everyone snapping it up???? :) Shouldn't everyone love it as much as I do and be as impulsive a fabric shopper as I am?? he,he...patience. This is my favorite ... if I had to choose...I love the reds and orange and the whole concept of "ME" as a "Work in Progress". I'm thinking hard what I want to make from this for my home...seems like a good reminder of all the changes in life and how we are just works in progress...just when we think we got it figured life throws a twist. It may be college, marriage, a new baby...or an 11 year old giving you more time to reinvent yourself (guess which one I am:)), but we are constantly evolving/revolving/some days spinning wildly out of control, but what a ride!!!!!! Despite the angst I cause myself with my thoughts I wouldn't trade any of it...LIFE IS GOOD!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Fabric, Big Sale!

My fabric arrived yesterday afternoon and, can you believe it...I have not opened it yet!!! I'm in the middle of a couple of projects that need my attention and I don't want to spoil the excitement of opening it by being in a hurry:) Hopefully later today I'll have some uninterrupted time to fondle my new acquisition AND get it on my Etsy site.

I decided to put a big sale in my shop for at least July...probably longer. I have so many quilts and so many more coming that I must make space in my house and my head for the new. It hurts just a little to put such low prices on some of them, but it is time to clear things out for new ideas. If you've been following my blog you'll see that I'm doing the same in my house...mercilessly eliminating all excess. I have collected and saved for so many years and I realized it is cluttering my creativity. All those things I'll work on one day or that furniture that will fit in my next done with it!! I spend too much time reorganizing and not enough time putting my ideas to fabric. Soooo...2 more weeks and we'll be having another garage sale and hopefully free up some brain space as well as make room for more fabric (big toothy grin here). It feels good and right to be doing this and I cannot wait for my new and improved living space and time.

Hopefully later today there will be an amazing line of fabric available on my Etsy site!!