Well, I've been back from MQS now for a week and a half. I have neglected my yoga and running and am feeling the effects of that, however I have accomplished a major feat....my new studio space:) On the way home from Kansas City I was once again lost in thought about how to make my studio more work friendly. AND, where in the world was I going to put 30 bolts of new fabric??!! Truly there was not one single spot as it was. Soooo...I talked with my husband about this idea I have had to take over our living room for a studio to have everything close (my Gammill is in the adjacent room) as opposed to running up and down the stairs, into the sunporch and such and so. To accomplish this I had to move his computer desk away from his neighborhood watch locale (he's a bit nosey:)) and into the sunporch. Amazingly, he said YES! So, I was off and running and here is the result...now I have no excuse for poor productivity, all the space I can, reasonably, ask for, and everything related to quilting all together.
I have to share my pics even though there will be some tweaking, more decorating and such ... it's my favorite place in the world now:) The T-shirt quilt is the first project completed in my new space...accomplished in 2 very long days since I procrastinated by moving my studio instead of working...so worth it!
Now back to work. I have 5 more T-shirt quilts to make, much to quilt, and 30 new bolts of fabric to list on Etsy. That should keep me busy for a bit:) Then there is the issue of what I have done to the rest of my house...but it will wait and I plan to hide out in my studio anyway with a path to the coffee pot and kitties all around...