I'm sitting here looking at the loads of snow everywhere...finding it beautiful yet ready to see crocuses popping up marking the end of the cold for another year. I'm looking forward to April when we do our treasure maps for the next year. A treasure map is a visual reminder of your goals and desires; a tool to keep tuned in over the year to what you want in your life. New Year's resolutions never worked out for me...I typically forgot about them by the end of January:( Pic is of my map from last year.
This will be our 3rd year of treasure mapping. I've found that I manage to manifest the changes/sometimes minor tweaks I want in my life because of it. Whether it is the 'universe responding to my call' or simply that large brightly colored foam core board blasting off my quilt room wall triggering some response from my right brain, it works for me and I love the process. Each April, this year the 3-5, we take a day or two to make our maps. These days are the most powerful according to the astrologers. Aries is the sign associated with spring of course, but also sight. Completing your map during the Aries new moon is the most desirable time.
I am going through the preparation phase of this right now and purging, organizing, and cleaning my home (and my mind in the process! You all know how good it feels to get rid of things and have a clean space). I have a friend who recently lost her job who is helping me with this ... she is an amazing power cleaner and I feel like I have a wife!!! It's awesome. I work on a room ... truly cleaning it down to the corners and under the couch cushions and when I get done there are 2 rooms done as she's been working in another:) We have a match made in heaven...she needs work, and I need help. Hopefully she will find a job soon, but in the meantime I'm happy to have her around here:)
For anyone who wants more information I'm including last years' blogpost from Tracey's Cook's astrosalon. You can also find information if you Google Law of Attraction/Treasure Mapping. I'm sure that Tracey will post info this year as the time approaches. If you choose to do this, have a great time and enjoy!
At the risk of overstating something that I consider totally obvious---The Aries New Moon is THE most important lunar month in the entire year. Yeah, I guess that is quite a statement but I stand by my opinion. After all, it is this New Moon that launches the rest of the twelve signs. We can’t get to them ---without being here first. Aries is the gate keeper and it is the catapult. It is the sign associated with spring and it is sign associated with sight. We start here to get there. All of us have desires and goals but in order to manifest those dreams we have got to SEE them. And so on Aries New Moon we build our Treasure Maps. Like I said, Aries is an important New Moon.
I am guessing if you check in on my New Moons with any kind of regularity you are already familiar with Treasure Maps. God knows I have been talking about them for years. But if you don’t know anything then you can start HERE for background information.
In a nutshell, in order to make a Treasure Map, you need to clear your brain from fear and judgment and open it up to what you really want. Not “sort of want” but what you really want. A great way to get an idea what you want is to sit down with a bunch of magazines and start looking at photos and captions, look for sentences, words, anything that catches your attention. There will be some images that really beckon you and I would encourage you to cut them out and consider putting them on your map. Or maybe you go to a store and pick out greeting cards. Perhaps there is a “Congratulations on your Wedding” card that has THE MOST perfect image for exactly what you want this year. Or maybe you see a travel brochure with images of fabulous vacation spots. Or you decide to go online and look for images of exercise because you want a full year of better health. And of course you can draw and paint what you want and type up affirmations. “I am happy and grateful that I am abundant.” Whatever images and affirmations that you land upon and they call to you--- put it on a poster board. This is your Treasure Map. This is your life that you want. Please make your Map on the New Moon which is between April 14 8:28am EDT and April 18 1:40am EDT. If you cannot make your map in those 3.5 days then you do have the whole waxing moon (between April 14 and April 28) but be forewarned on the 18th Mercury is going retrograde and I do not feel that is the most optimal time for a Treasure Mapping. But perhaps some of you will need that cuckoo energy to find your map. Go with what works best for you.