Sunday, June 20, 2010

Second Etsy Shop????

I'm considering opening a separate Etsy shop for fabrics. In it I will not only sell new fabrics but also de-stash my existing fabrics. Potential name and banner is above. Trying to resist going with my first thought on a name...what do you think?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sleep like you mean it!!

Since I was up at 4:30 this morning, it seemed like a good day to post this pic...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Stephanie Brandenburg fabrics on the way!!

I did it! I ordered fabric by the bolt directly from the this case Camelot Cottons.

The line is Urban
Art designed by
Brandenburg who
lives here in Iowa
in the Amana area. She has the most beautiful design eye and has come up with some of the best contemporary fabrics ever!! I was introduced to her fabrics a couple years ago and have followed her ever since.
When this line came out I was in love and have thought and thought
about whether I want to sell fabric.

I had a friend who owned a quilt shop for
several years giving me the chance to do
the fun parts of shop ownership...making
models and unwrapping new fabric when
it arrived. That is the best thing ever!!! I
even had the opportunity to assist in fall market in Houston one year, spring market in Minnesota once, and the occasional trip to KC to buy direct from a factory there. Oh, and choosing fabric from the reps who came to the store...all that is soooooo much fun...with someone else's money anyway:) But this is my money and I thought long and hard. It didn't even hurt too much when I pushed purchase!
There are 11 pieces altogether ... here is a sampling just to tease a bit:) If you like urban contemporary this is IT! Look for it soon on my Etsy site!
Apparently I'm still working on page layout on here:( I'll get it!! Give me time..........

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Recital is over:(

Recital went great!! Meg had a blast, I didn't fall on my butt, and now we're a little sad it's over for the year. More pics for those who care:)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Blue costume is musical theatre ... dancing to Mein Heir

Hip hop dance:) and white stripes

Tap dancing to Devil Went down to Georgia! beauty is on the right

Meg hates makeup!!!

Recital time!!!!!!!! Here are some rehearsal pics...a couple of friends stuck in too. Lots of fun and tonight is the big night. She has so much fun performing. Mom's are doing a hip hop dance also...hahaha! but we're having fun anyway!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Haven't forgotten everyone!

Just a check in note to let you know I'm desperately cleaning my home and purging big time!! We had a garage sale last weekend and did great. I managed to lay a new floor in my laundry room between 'customers' also, so it has a new bright, clean feel to it now. The old lineleum was nasty brown and yuck. Major pain to lay the floor without being able to completely empty the room, but it is done now so yea!!!

On to my daughter's room today and my room tomorrow...if only I could relay to you just what a huge job it is to attack her room. I should have taken a before pic but I just dove in and'll be completed tomorrow and on to my room, then every other space will get it's turn. By the time I'm finished, I'll have a clear head and will be ready to sew like a mad woman!

Just thought I'd let you know why I disappeared!

Oh, and a friend suggested we do Houston this year as a brain hurts just thinking about that...more later.