Just a check in note to let you know I'm desperately cleaning my home and purging big time!! We had a garage sale last weekend and did great. I managed to lay a new floor in my laundry room between 'customers' also, so it has a new bright, clean feel to it now. The old lineleum was nasty brown and yuck. Major pain to lay the floor without being able to completely empty the room, but it is done now so yea!!!
On to my daughter's room today and my room tomorrow...if only I could relay to you just what a huge job it is to attack her room. I should have taken a before pic but I just dove in and started...it'll be completed tomorrow and on to my room, then every other space will get it's turn. By the time I'm finished, I'll have a clear head and will be ready to sew like a mad woman!
Just thought I'd let you know why I disappeared!
Oh, and a friend suggested we do Houston this year as a vendor....my brain hurts just thinking about that...more later.